Combine These 2 Ingredients and Get Rid Of Rhinitis, Flu, Phlegm, Sinusitis and More…

Sinusitis represents an inflammation of the sinuses that can be caused by allergies, fungi, bacteria and viruses. 

Sinuses should be filled with air normally, but they can also be blocked with fluids (bacteria, fungi, viruses) and germs that can lead to infection. Swelling of the lining of the nose (allergic rhinitis), a shift in the nasal cavity (deviated spetum), small growths in the lining (nasal polyps) and common cold are some of the issues that can lead to sinus blockages.

Types of Sinusitis
  • Several attacks in a year – known as recurrent.
  • Inflammation symptoms that can last 8 week or longer – known as chronic.
  • Inflammation that lasts 4-8 weeks – known as subacute.
  • Facial pain, stuffy and runny nose are the symptoms of this type of sinusitis that lasts 4 weeks or less.

Antibiotics are the most used treatment for sinusitis that often provide a lot of side effects and short-term beneficial effects.

However, natural remedies are the best, safest and cheapest way to treat the sinusitis.

Today we will present you an extremely powerful natural remedy that will treat this issue in just a few days, improve your overall health and boost your immunity.

  • A tbsp of organic honey
  • Freshly squeezed lemon
  • A tbsp of cayenne pepper
  • ½ cup of coconut water
  • ¼ cup of ACV (apple cider vinegar


Warm the coconut water and then pour it into a bigger mug. The next thing you should do is to pour the ACV in the same mug and mix well. Let it cool down and then add the cayenne pepper and honey in the mug and mix once again. Add the squeezed juice in the end and mix it well.

Consume the beverage before the breakfast on and empty stomach and before go to bed late at night in order to get best results.

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