What A Pinch Of Turmeric Everyday Can Do For Your Brain And Memory & Change Your Life!

Turmeric root has been used as a spice and medicine for thousands of years and is still an important component in traditional Asian cooking and medicinal systems. It is a critical component of curry powders, giving them their yellow color.

That yellow color itself comes from a trio of chemicals known as “curcuminoids,” the most commonly known being curcumin. In recent years, much research has focused on the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and other health-promoting benefits of curcumin.

According to a study conducted by researchers from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia and published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, eating a single gram of TURMERIC each day could cause short-term memory improvements in people predisposed to memory loss.

“Our findings with turmeric are consistent with these observations, insofar as they appear to influence cognitive function where there is disordered energy metabolism and insulin resistance,” researcher Mark Wahlqvist said.

Turmeric root has been used as a spice and medicine for thousands of years and is still an important component in traditional Asian cooking and medicinal systems. As a key component of curry powders, turmeric is what gives these dishes their gold color.
That golden color itself comes from a trio of chemicals known as “curcuminoids.” The most commonly known curcuminoid is curcumin, which is packed with antioxidants, is anti-inflammatory and has a plethora of other health-promoting benefits, such as:
  • Natural liver detoxifier
  • Purifies blood
  • Protects from free radicals
  • Prevents premature aging

Turmeric And Memory: Six-Hour Boost

The new study involved testing the working memories of adults over the age of 60 who had recently been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, but who were not receiving treatment. Diabetes is known to be associated with memory loss.

Participants were given a breakfast of white bread and supplemented with either 1 gram of turmeric or a placebo. Their memories were tested both before the meal and after it.

“We found that this modest addition to breakfast improved working memory over six hours in older people with pre-diabetes,” Wahlqvist said.

As the world’s population ages, health experts believe that the prevalence of conditions linked to memory loss will rise, including diabetes and dementia. The researchers suggested that early intervention, including using turmeric, might lessen the prevalence of these conditions.

Working memory is widely thought to be one of the most important mental faculties, critical for cognitive abilities such as planning, problem-solving and reasoning,” Wahlqvist said. “Assessment of working memory is simple and convenient, but it is also very useful in the appraisal of cognition and in predicting future impairment and dementia.”

The Power Of Curcumin

Research has also linked turmeric and curcumin more directly to reduced dementia risk. A 2009 study conducted by researchers from Duke University found that curcumin caused changes in the brain and counteracted some of the effects of Alzheimer’s disease.

Curcumin specifically targeted the amyloid plaques believed to be one of the main causes of brain damage (and therefore symptoms).

“There is very solid evidence that curcumin binds to plaques, and basic research on animals engineered to produce human amyloid plaques has shown benefits,” researcher Murali Doraiswamy said. “You can modify a mouse so that at about 12 months its brain is riddled with plaques. If you feed this rat a curcumin-rich diet, it dissolves these plaques. The same diet prevented younger mice from forming new plaques.”

Diet and exercise are still the two best ways to prevent the disease! However, eating curry regularly and using turmeric in your cooking could help prevent dementia.

A series of 2013 studies conducted by researchers from the University of Tsukuba in Japan found that curcumin improved two measures of cardiovascular health as much as aerobic exercise did, while the two together provided the greatest benefit.

Research has shown a wide variety of other benefits from turmeric and curcumin, including:
  • Preventing cancer
  • Improving cancer prognosis
  • Relieving arthritis
  • Improving heart health
  • Reducing body fat

How To Use Turmeric

Here is how you can incorporate this brain boosting ingredient into your diet today:
  • Add a pinch to flavor any dish (quinoa, rice, salads)
  • Make a turmeric tea or latte (make sure to add a pinch of black pepper for maximum absorption!)
  • Drink some Detoxing Turmeric Broth

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