This Will Shock You – The Juice That Kills Cancer Cells, Treat Diabetes, Gastritis and Lower Blood Pressure!
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
The juice we are about to present you shows better results than most modern medications. It provides an excellent prevention against diabetes, gastritis, hypertension and other severe health conditions, even cancer. The power of raw potatoes has been appreciated for centuries, and entire generations have used this folk remedy to treat many ailments. However, there is still a certain misbelief that raw potatoes are not fit for consumption.
This is a huge mistake, because raw potatoes bring amazing health benefits. Make sure you peel your potatoes before using them, especially if there is some green skin and sprouts. It is the poison you should be aware of. There is a dangerous poison found in sprouts and green parts. Remove any skin or sprout before using a potato.
John Lesindzer, Dr John Tucakov and many other experts did a thorough research on the subject, and they wrote largely about the benefits provided by potato juice.
According to John Lesindzer, potato juice is the best natural cure for gastritis, a common health issue of the modern era.
Lesindzer believes that the combination of a tablespoon of fresh potato juice and some water is super efficient. Drink your fresh potato juice half an hour before your meals. If you are dealing with stomach and duodenal issues, take half a deciliter of potato juice before you eat or drink anything. You should also take another half a deciliter about half an hour before your lunch and dinner.
Kagamine, a professor at the Akita University School of Medicine in Japan, is the author of a study based on different nutrients in raw potatoes. The doctor succeeded to isolate a single substance of raw potatoes. He believed that this particular substance has the power to suppress tumor growth in laboratory mice. The IC (International Congress) published the results of this study, which contributes to the fight against cancer a great deal. The Congress took place in Germany.
Today, raw potatoes are getting even more popular, as researchers have confirmed their efficacy against kidney and liver issues, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, lumbago, rheumatism and other the like.
In addition to its efficacy in treating severe ailments, raw potato juice works amazing for your immune system as well.
If you are dealing with general fatigue and poor energy, make yourself a cup of fresh ‘elixir.’ Juice a medium-sized potato, a few carrots and apples and drink the juicy mixture once a day, in the morning and before you go to bed. You will restore your vitality within two weeks.
Potato shells remove dangerous toxins from the body and give your body the nutrients it needs. Potato peels are rich in vitamins C and B6, potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, protein and they are high in carbohydrates. Keep in mind that cooking and high temperatures reduce vitamin C in potatoes. Consider the fact that a medium-sized raw potato contains 27mg of vitamin C, which is about 45% of the recommended daily dose for this vitamin.
They make your skin clean, radiant, and acne-free, not to mention all those stubborn blackheads. Potatoes have great antiseptic properties, they relieve skin problems, and their high vitamin C content and starch nourish your skin and prevent premature skin aging. Grind a potato and apply it onto your face. This simple and natural face mask will clear and tighten the skin on your face. Potatoes also reduce cellulite. Rub ‘affected’ areas using a potato slice.
It is the easiest thing to do. Wash and clean your potatoes. Remove any green parts and sprouts. Slice your potato and wrap the slices into a gauze to squeeze out the juice. Juicers work amazing as well.
You should follow one strict rule. Always drink your potato juice freshly prepared. Combine it with your favorite fruits and veggies. Apples, carrots, lemon juice and honey make nice additions.
The Buddhist monk Tomizawa wrote the book ‘The road to a healthy lifestyle: Cancer is nothing to fear.’ According to the monk, 2 cups of fresh potato juice every day provide a great aid in the treatment of cancer and other vicious diseases.
According to John Lesindzer, potato juice is the best natural cure for gastritis, a common health issue of the modern era.
Lesindzer believes that the combination of a tablespoon of fresh potato juice and some water is super efficient. Drink your fresh potato juice half an hour before your meals. If you are dealing with stomach and duodenal issues, take half a deciliter of potato juice before you eat or drink anything. You should also take another half a deciliter about half an hour before your lunch and dinner.
Today, raw potatoes are getting even more popular, as researchers have confirmed their efficacy against kidney and liver issues, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, lumbago, rheumatism and other the like.
In addition to its efficacy in treating severe ailments, raw potato juice works amazing for your immune system as well.
If you are dealing with general fatigue and poor energy, make yourself a cup of fresh ‘elixir.’ Juice a medium-sized potato, a few carrots and apples and drink the juicy mixture once a day, in the morning and before you go to bed. You will restore your vitality within two weeks.
Health benefits of potato juice
- Immunity boost
- Detoxification
- Cancer treatment
- Treatment of various skin diseases
- Treatment of gastritis and other stomach issues
- Decrease in blood sugar
- Treatment of liver and kidney issues
- Protection against cardiovascular disease
Potato shells aid in body detoxification and provide a rich source of beneficial nutrients
Potato shells remove dangerous toxins from the body and give your body the nutrients it needs. Potato peels are rich in vitamins C and B6, potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, protein and they are high in carbohydrates. Keep in mind that cooking and high temperatures reduce vitamin C in potatoes. Consider the fact that a medium-sized raw potato contains 27mg of vitamin C, which is about 45% of the recommended daily dose for this vitamin.
Potatoes aid in the treatment of skin problems
They make your skin clean, radiant, and acne-free, not to mention all those stubborn blackheads. Potatoes have great antiseptic properties, they relieve skin problems, and their high vitamin C content and starch nourish your skin and prevent premature skin aging. Grind a potato and apply it onto your face. This simple and natural face mask will clear and tighten the skin on your face. Potatoes also reduce cellulite. Rub ‘affected’ areas using a potato slice.
How to make a fresh potato juice?
It is the easiest thing to do. Wash and clean your potatoes. Remove any green parts and sprouts. Slice your potato and wrap the slices into a gauze to squeeze out the juice. Juicers work amazing as well.
You should follow one strict rule. Always drink your potato juice freshly prepared. Combine it with your favorite fruits and veggies. Apples, carrots, lemon juice and honey make nice additions.
The Buddhist monk Tomizawa wrote the book ‘The road to a healthy lifestyle: Cancer is nothing to fear.’ According to the monk, 2 cups of fresh potato juice every day provide a great aid in the treatment of cancer and other vicious diseases.