Reduce Pain and Inflammation by Including These 7 Foods in Your Diet

Pain and inflammation are common health problems that can occur as a result of sickness, injury or excessive physical activity.

Their development is reoccurring in people who live sedentary lifestyles, although they are also common in the elderly or in people who have unhealthy habits.

In a lot of cases their occurrence is sporadic and minimal. However, some people experience it chronically and can wind up having difficulty with their physical capabilities.

The problem is that many people ignore their initial symptoms, and despite the fact that they take measures to mitigate it, they continue to engage in activities that worsen the situation.

Although pain killers lessen the severity of symptoms, ingesting them excessively can provoke undesired secondary effects.
The good news is that there are simple and natural solutions that if applied every day, can help control this situation without harming your health.

In the paragraphs that follow we will recommend 7 healthy foods, that thanks to their properties are good supplements to take this issue head on.

Don’t stop eating them!

1. Salmon

Salmon does not only represent one of the best sources of protein with high biological value, but it also contains a high amount of fatty acids Omega 3.
  • This type of healthy fat helps reduce cholesterol levels while at the same time acts as a powerful anti inflammatory and protectant.
  • Its assimilation regulates the activity of the body’s inflammatory processes and given that it improves circulation, it is ideal for alleviating pain.
As if that wasn’t enough, it contains a substance known as calcitonin, which can help prevent osteoporosis.

2. Red Grapes

Known for their delicious flavor, red grapes are an excellent food for people who suffer from inflammatory disorders.

They have high amounts of resveratrol, an antioxidant with anti inflammatory and analgesic effects that help reduce pain.

Their regular consumption stimulates the elimination of toxins and at the same time reduces the risk of premature aging.

3. Thyme

The analgesic and anti inflammatory effects of thyme have been compared to those of medicines that are used for pain treatment.
  • Its essential nutrients create a protective barrier against the negative impacts of free radicals while at the same time control inflammation.
  • When added as a condiment to dishes, it can reduce the risk of diseases such as arthritis and high cholesterol.
  • Also, prepared as an infusion, it’s a quick solution to tense muscles and headaches.

4. Pineapple

Pineapple is a low-calorie food whose diuretic and anti inflammatory properties make it ideal for reducing pain caused by inflammation.

It contains an enzyme known as bromelain, which after being assimilated into the body, facilitates the breakdown of proteins.

That means that when eaten on a regular basis, it is a good ally in preventing gout and joint problems.

5. Onion

Onions are antioxidants and cleansers that reduce the levels of toxins in the blood and tissue.

It contains a flavonoid called quercetin which is considered to be one of the most powerful natural anti inflammatory agents.

This nutrient, together with its supply of vitamins and minerals, fights against the negative effects of free radicals and inflammation.

6. Flax Seeds

Flax seeds have a high amount of essential fatty acids and vitamin E. These contribute to pain relief in the body.

It’s omega 3 levels are higher than that of other vegetables, and given that it assimilates easily, it’s an effective remedy against muscle and joint pain.

On the other hand, it also provides high amounts of fiber, which helps us reduce cholesterol levels and improves digestive conditions

7. Olive Oil

Olive oil, known all over the world as one of the best sources of essential fatty acid.

Its high concentration of nutrients provides several cardiovascular health benefits. Indeed, it is effective against inflammatory imbalances.

It has a substance known as oleocanthal whose anti inflammatory properties can reduce tension headaches.

This substance inhibits the effect of an enzyme called cox, which produces substances that increase inflammation.

Do you suffer from pain or inflammation? Try increasing the consumption of the foods cited in this article.

See for yourself just how good they are at combatting these conditions.

Via steptohealth

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