This 2-Ingredinet Juice Flushes And Cleans Out Your Colon For A Trimmer Tummy

Today we will present you an amazing healthy drink that will improve the process of digestion, encourage a healthy and colon and a flatter tummy. Do not forget to that have to avoid carbs and heavy dinner.

You should also consume LOTS of water during the day. This powerful combination has low amounts of calories that support balanced and healthy diet.

  • 3 kiwi fruits
  • ½ pineapple
Remove the skin from both fruits and make a freshly squeezed juice.

It would be ideal to consume a glass of this drink per day, 15 min before meal. Do not forget to reduce the consumption of processed foods, white sugar, white flower and soda. Increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits and you will clean your liver and colon and you will get a flatter tummy in a short period of time!

Enjoy your body like never before!

Via TD Healthy Food

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