Here’s What A Man Consumed And Overcame His Diabetes Without Any Medicine!
Saturday, June 24, 2017
Four years ago a young man discovered that he was suffering from diabetes and hypertension by accident. He had been feeling thirsty all the time and decided to see a doctor for a routine check-up. His blood test results left him dumb-founded. His blood sugar was soaring at 29; his pancreas was dysfunctional and he was left with no other option but to start insulin therapy.
Although he was taking his therapy regularly and was physically active, his condition didn’t improve. In fact, it was only getting worse. His blood pressure was very high (150/100), and his triglyceride levels reached 16. Worst of all, the amount of medications he had to take daily was enormous.
Then on New Year’s Eve, 2013, while watching a TV show called “The Edge of Science,” which hosted Dr. John Zirdum, who had been living on raw foods for 12 years, he decides to change his life completely. He decided to fight his condition by turning to a raw diet.
The first thing he made was buy a blender. Although the first week was a real challenge, he pulled it through. He was determined to succeed and only shortly after introducing raw fruit and vegetables into his diet, his blood sugar dropped to 5.
At that point he decided to stop his insulin therapy. He still planned to have it as an alternative in case his blood sugar levels soared again.
But, luckily, his diet was working wonders. He started losing weight, and in 25 days of his raw dietary regimen, he managed to drop 23 pounds.
Four months later he was an entirely different person. He no longer needed insulin, his blood pressure went back to normal (120/70), his triglycerides dropped to 1.4. Today, he weighs 45 pounds less and lives without any medications.
The recipe we provide here is on the list of his favorites. It provides numerous health benefits owing to the wide array of nutrients it contains.
Juice all the ingredients, but don’t drink the entire amount at once. Start by drinking half a liter in the morning and the rest throughout the day.
Whenever you feel a carving, simply eat some fruit, a fruit salad or tuna. Tuna is a great choice as it increases your vitamin B12 levels, and this vitamin is essential for proper body function.
One of the greatest health benefits of this dietary regimen is that you will never feel hungry.
Via healthonlinecentral
Then on New Year’s Eve, 2013, while watching a TV show called “The Edge of Science,” which hosted Dr. John Zirdum, who had been living on raw foods for 12 years, he decides to change his life completely. He decided to fight his condition by turning to a raw diet.
The first thing he made was buy a blender. Although the first week was a real challenge, he pulled it through. He was determined to succeed and only shortly after introducing raw fruit and vegetables into his diet, his blood sugar dropped to 5.
At that point he decided to stop his insulin therapy. He still planned to have it as an alternative in case his blood sugar levels soared again.
But, luckily, his diet was working wonders. He started losing weight, and in 25 days of his raw dietary regimen, he managed to drop 23 pounds.
The recipe we provide here is on the list of his favorites. It provides numerous health benefits owing to the wide array of nutrients it contains.
- 5 kiwis
- a handful of kale
- 2 apples
- 2 bananas
- half a liter of water
Juice all the ingredients, but don’t drink the entire amount at once. Start by drinking half a liter in the morning and the rest throughout the day.
Whenever you feel a carving, simply eat some fruit, a fruit salad or tuna. Tuna is a great choice as it increases your vitamin B12 levels, and this vitamin is essential for proper body function.
One of the greatest health benefits of this dietary regimen is that you will never feel hungry.
Via healthonlinecentral